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  • Transition of Care for Young People Strategy

Our aims for Transition of Care

To provide safe, effective, developmentally appropriate transition process and transfer (handover) from children’s services to adult services for all young people with long term conditions requiring on-going care.

To ensure young people and or carers experience a transition process that equips then with the required knowledge and skills to manage in adult services.

To care for young people and their families in adult services in a developmentally appropriate way without any loss in the quality of services provided, on-going engagement and a good patient experience.

What do we want to do?

We recognise that adolescence and young adulthood is a time of physical, psychological, educational and social change. Young people with a long term and/or complex health condition are expected to move from paediatric to adult services. We know from evidence that good practice in transitional care can improve on-going engagement with services and positive health outcomes.

Our aim is to provide a consistent, safe and individualised, high quality transition service that enables young people and carers to move into adult services with minimal disruption to their care and a good patient and carer experience of the change.

How will we do this?

We have based our strategy on lessons learnt from other organisations, national guidance and the views of young people and their families. In doing this we will deliver the objectives set out below.

Implementation of the strategy will be led by the Group Joint Medical Directors and overseen by experts from both children’s and adult’s services. The Quality and Safety Committee will be responsible in monitoring progress against this strategy.

Our Strategy:

This strategy aligns with our Trust values of compassion, empathy, consideration, dignity, pride and respect.

The work plan that underpins this strategy outlines our plans over the next three years to deliver transition of care services that meet the expectations of young people and their families who use our services. Page 2 of 6

It sets out objectives for delivering the best experience for young people and their families across care settings.

The successful delivery of this strategy will depend on close partnership working with our commissioners, schools and colleges, voluntary sector organisations, local networks, general practitioners other health and social care providers, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnerships and Manchester Local Care Organisation.

The principles, infrastructures and pathways under this strategy will be afforded to young people entering healthcare through different portals in a developmentally appropriate manner.

Read our Transition of Care Strategy